Social Media News, & Resources

These articles are designed to help consider how to effectively use Social Media to generate traffic to your website,
enhance your brand, and build a responsive list of prospects and customers.


Is TikTok Relevant?

Is TikTok Relevant?

Will the TikTok controversy be relevant for long? Also. is there a 'mass migration' of Facebook and Twitter audiences to the less filtered sites? Or what is the state of Social Media and Social Media Marketing? First of all, I believe the discussion should focus on...

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Benefits of Journaling

Benefits of Journaling

Benefits of Keeping a Journal I recently had the pleasure of spending the day with a delightful lady who shared details about her desire to "share her writing someday". She mentioned she journals regularly and since she is in the travel industry has the opportunity to...

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Videos, Your Website, Traffic and SEO

Videos, Your Website, Traffic and SEO

Do you use videos on your website and look forward to traffic and increased SEO authority? Video has become a major venue for communication over the past couple of decades. Social Media sites such as Facebook and X have tons of videos posted daily. I am not referring...

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Are Business Websites Necessary?

Are Business Websites Necessary?

Are Business/Author Websites Necessary? Actually, are any websites necessary to market your 'products' effectively, or is effectively using Social Media all that is needed? On Facebook Groups and on our weekly Call-In Talk Show the subject of having an Author Website...

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